Mould Removal: Effective Mould Removal Service for a Healthier Home
Seeing Mould growth in your home or office is not only displeasing but can also be a serious matter of concern as it impacts the health. In addition to the same, although Mould is caused by a cracked, leaky roof or excess humidity and poor ventilation, it can easily grow in damp as well as […]

How to Get Rid of Mould
Mould is a type of fungal growth that thrives in hot and wet environments. It is identified by a greenish to black colour growth on the walls or ceilings. In Singapore, they are often found in the bathroom or the bathroom ceilings or clinging to pipes, or in the grouts of tiles and behind the […]

Mould – Something Serious?
Mold is found in damp building materials where it often appears like stains and comes in a variety of colours. A must smell is an indication of microbial growth even when there is no visible growth. If mold is allowed to grow in homes or offices it can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Causes […]

How to Disinfect your home from Cold and Flu bacteria
Is someone in your home down with the cold? Then another person suddenly got sick as well? Chances are, the germs in your house have spread. By disinfecting your house, you can help to prevent the next victim of flu germs. How did these flu germs spread? Some of the places in the house that contains […]